—Worm Tea —


When we hear the word “Tea” we most likely think of a hot cup of tea that we have brewed in a kettle.   In the case of Worm Tea, it is made by brewing the worm castings in cold water (not hot) over a period of time.

What is Worm tea?

Worm tea is a liquid concentrate. An all natural product made by soaking worm castings in water to extract the beneficial nutrients within it.


Jumpstart Your Growing Season

Jumpstart the season by adding castings as soon as you start planting and/or potting. Follow the 4 easy steps for planting. Dig your hole, throw a handful of the castings (about 1/2 cup) directly into the hole, add some water, place your plant into the hole, cover with soil and water your plant. Continue to add castings throughout the season.  

It is as easy as 1, 2, 3, 4 . . .

Manitoba Made, Natural and Chemical Free Worm Castings

What are Worm Castings?

It is a natural product made by red wiggler earthworms, when aged manure is passed through their digestive system. Basically, it’s worm “poo”.

Why use red wiggler worms instead of earthworms?

  • Red wigglers eat organic matter like your kitchen scraps that you throw in the compost bin (earthworms will not).

  • Red wigglers stay at the top of the soil whereas earthworms burrow into the ground.

  • Red wigglers live in warm soils (compost can get pretty hot, earthworms will die from the heat and lack of food).


Are you using worm castings?

Visit a local greenhouse to pick up a bag.
You’ll be glad you did!

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