When you start your spring planting, this is the ideal time to give your plants that jumpstart for the season.

Dig your hole, throw a handful of the castings (about 1/2 cup) directly into the hole, add some water, place your plant into the hole, cover with soil and water your plant.

It is as easy as 1, 2, 3, 4 . . .

Throughout the season

Continue throughout the season by sprinkling the worm castings on top or around the plant weekly or bi-weekly. The choice is yours. Remember, you can never add too much or too little. Plants will only absorb whatever it needs. So there is never any problems of burning the plants roots.


Worm Castings need to breathe. Store castings in the bag open at the top or in a covered dark container with holes drilled at the top (e.g. ice cream bucket, cat litter bucket). At the end of the season, sprinkle the remainder on your lawn.


Use worm castings mixed into your seed starting mix. (e.g. 1-2 cups per 12 liters seed starting mix)


Worm castings can be made into a worm tea and then drenched around the base of your plant. Put into a spray bottle and use a foliar spray on your houseplants.