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What are Worm Castings?

A natural product made by red wiggler earthworms when aged manure is passed through their digestive system. Essentially, it is worm “poo”.

Why use red wiggler worms instead of earthworms?

Red wigglers eat organic matter like your kitchen scraps that you throw in the compost bin (earthworms will not)

Red wigglers stay at the top of the soil whereas earthworms burrow into the ground

Red wigglers live in warm soils (compost can get pretty hot, earthworms will die from the heat and lack of food).

Are there worms in the castings?

We do our best to screen out the worms so only the castings remain.

Do Worm Castings Smell?

Worm castings are odourless. Castings are similar to earth or soil.

How much should I use?

You can use 1/2 cup or a small handful in the hole.  There is no need to worry if you put more castings in the hole. Worm castings will never burn plants as it is slow releasing and does not contain any salts.  No measuring is required.

Why use Worm Castings?

It is an all natural product that is free of chemicals and pesticides. It is water soluble and easily absorbed by the plant. The castings improve soil aeration and increase water retention. It is slowly released which makes it last longer.

Worm castings can be used indoors as well. Make worm tea and sprinkle around your house plants.