Worm Castings - Vegetables

Seed Potatoes - worm castings were added to the hole in each plant - they love worm castings!

Potato plants growing on both sides of lattice border

Potato plants growing on both sides of lattice border

Potato plants growing quickly and bushy

Potato plants growing quickly and bushy

Potato plants growing quite nicely!

Potato plants growing quite nicely!

Nice crop of large potatoes, healthy zucchini leaf, nasturtiums grown to 30" wide


Worm Casting - Yard

This yard was completely changed into a beautiful oasis by the homeowners - only worm castings were added to the hole during the planting stage




Worm Tea - Lawn

Yard sprayed with worm tea throughout the spring/summer season
(Note: no chemicals were used on the grass/lawn)


Worm Tea on lawn

This homeowners’ lawn was sprayed with worm tea using a hand sprayer.


After - a bright green grass!

Left side - Castings added to marigolds
Right side - No castings were added to marigolds